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  Social Concern Works

One of the main activities in our annual calendar is the ministry of meeting the physical and financial needs of orphans. Every year certain orphanages are identified for this purpose. An appeal is made to our members for contributions of toys, new clothing, foodstuff and in monetary value.

The orphanages concerned will be invited for a Christmas gathering in our centre where the orphans will be pampered with food, party packs, games, clowns and a magic show.  Children of our members participate in these gatherings interacting with the orphans to foster a sense of belonging, love and care.  Every child will be presented with a Christmas gift.  These are occasions where members of  our centre are given the opportunity to make their contributions in cash or kind and to empathize with the less fortunate of our society.  It is our joy to see the faces of these little ones light up when love and laughter are showered upon them.  We have made it a point to host concerts and tea parties for these unfortunate ones.

We have also embarked on a foster home program with Trinity Community Children Home (TCC Home) where a child is placed with suitable foster parents during school holidays to instill a feeling of parental care and love.

This programme has reaped its benefits where the orphans are given a sense of knowing that there are people out there that care and love them. 

Following on the heels of this successful program, we have now included homes for the destitute and old folks homes as part of our enlarged social responsibility to this community.

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